New Ways of Working

New ways of working are more accepted by companies, such as remote working, face-to-face or hybrid, and the supporting systems were put in place during pandemic and companies tested a more creative approach to working. Not only companies accept new ways of working, but employees also expect more flexibility and freedom.

New ways of working give employees more freedom and choices, but they have to be built on trust and self-discipline. Employers should build new review systems and trust their teams will run them smoothly, or trust the teams will revise them step by step. Under the review system, teams know the purposes of tasks and have enough self-discipline to provide the results on time and are able to stay on the right track.

In my opinion, in order to be efficient, employees’ self-management is essential in these new ways of working, because most people are lazy and with low standards. If employees want to have more freedom at work, it must come together with higher self-control.