To feel, to think, then to express
日劇真的是我最喜歡的劇,以前沒有感受,但隨著經歷越來越多,看的劇越來越多,越喜歡日劇的溫暖、觸動人心、感動,還有經常出現的職人精神,讓我很是敬佩又嚮往。 不知道是不是因為日…
What other situations do you think the Halo Effect may be a problem in other than in…
Salt is an important ingredient of daily diet and people cannot live without it. It c…
New ways of working are more accepted by companies, such as remote working, face-to-f…
Taiwan is located in North East Asia, next to China and Japan. Taiwan is a small islan…
Cambodia has become a popular destination for gangsters running their scam businesses.…
Dear Ting Ting, Life is not easy, it is always about reality and obstacles. Once you g…
Should famous people be allowed to sell their faces to deepfake companies? Deepfake is…